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Search Criteria

Select One:

(Enter any part of the search criteria) 
To View Data:
1. Select the type of search
2. In the text box, enter any part of the search criteria selected:
Permit/API Number, Field, County, Well Name, or Operator
3. Click the 'Go' button
4. Select an item to view from the resulting display
5. Then use the tabs to display:
Location details, History, Perforations, Stimulations, Production, IMIT, and Inspections data

All reports are exportable to Excel (.xls)

The Oil & Gas Commission makes no warranties as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, or sustainability of the data presented.
All site visitors assume full responsibility for any conclusions derived through the use of this Web application.


5301 Northshore Drive,
North Little Rock, AR 72118
Phone: 501-683-5814