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Permit: 8884

Permit Number: 8884 Operator: Urban Oil & Gas Group, LLC API: 03-103-01457-00-00
Lease Name: Well Name: Wesson, C M Well No: 7
Well Type: Oil - Production Well Status: Plugged and Abandoned District: S
Comments: This well was also listed incorrectly as permit # 9884 with API # 03-103-70127. It appears to be a typo on the permit number. All information has been combined under this permit and API number. It was originally permitted as well number B-7. Plugged 2600-2500 with 20 sks and 10 sks at the top 01/20/1999 by Universal Resources. No transfer found in file from McAlester to Universal Resources or from Universal to QEP. sjg.