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Permit: 47054

Permit Number: 47054 Operator: Parks Oil, LLC API: 03-139-11842-00-00
Lease Name: Well Name: McDonald Well No: 1
Well Type: Oil - Production Well Status: Active District: S
Comments: PLUGGED AT 1955 - 1855 WITH 10 SKS AND 3 SKS IN THE TOP. NO PIPE PULLED. Correct API # is 03-139-11842. Well file indicated that API # is 03-139-11788 and 03-103-82333 and RBDMS showed API No. 03-103-82333. Commission maps and the operator indicate that this well is in Union County and API Sequence 11788 is assigned to another well. Sequentail API Book shows that API NO. 03-139-11842 is assigned to this well.The API No. in both the well file and RBDMS have been changed to 03-139-11842. 12/12/13 Re-entry 6/19/2014 renewal 8/26/2016 renewal