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Permit: 45786

Permit Number: 45786 Operator: SEECO, LLC API: 03-029-11102-00-00
Lease Name: Ozark Highlands Unit 09-16 1-7H Well Name: Ozark Highlands Unit 09-16 Well No: 1-7H
Well Type: Natural Gas - Dry Well Status: Plugged and Abandoned District: N
Comments: OR #117-1-2012-05 - Creation of Drilling Unit - B-43 (P) - Conway & Van Buren Counties to include Sections 5, 6 & 7 of T9NR16W; Sections 1 & 2 of T9NR17W; Sections 31 & 32 T10NR16W; & Sec.36T10NR17W & consistinf of 5154 acres, more or less.