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Permit: 43231

Permit Number: 43231 Operator: Dennis & Eckhardt Management, LLC API: 03-145-10607-00-00
Lease Name: Dismang, Cynthia 1-8 Well Name: Dismang, Cynthia Well No: 1-8
Well Type: Natural Gas - Dry Well Status: Active District: N
Comments: PN: 42000 (API No. 03-145-10607) was originally issued to Hallwood Petroleum, LLC (Hallwood), but the permit expired prior to Hallwood being taken over by Hall Phoenix Energy, LLC (Hall). On February 12, 2010 Hall filed a Form 2 requesting to renew PN: 42000, but hall was issued PN: 43231 for the Cynthia Dismang 1-8 since the Permit to Drill is Non transferable. However, the well location and the API No. did not change. Therefore, PN: 43231 was also assigned API No. 03-145-10607.12/21/10 - Amend BHL, Depths & formation/Renewal; 1/20/11 82% Allowable, Gen Rule B-40