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Permit: 41079

Permit Number: 41079 Operator: BHP Billiton Petroleum (Fayetteville), LLC API: 03-045-10133-00-00
Lease Name: Well Name: Trammel 7-13 Well No: 1-8D SWD
Well Type: Salt Water Disposal Well Status: Plugged and Abandoned District: N
Comments: Depth to be drilled 5265' TVD, 10230' MD; 11/25/08 - Amend Well Number from 1-8H to 1-8D, BHL, Depths to 6650' TVD, 6915' MD, & Formation from Fayetteville to Boone; 12/18/08 completed as Dry Hole; 12/22/08 Application to convert well to a SWD well.