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Permit: 39364

Permit Number: 39364 Operator: Max Extract Technologies, LLC API: 03-033-10048-00-00
Lease Name: Deffenbaugh 1 Well Name: Deffenbaugh Well No: 1
Well Type: Natural Gas - Dry Well Status: Inactive - Not TA District: N
Comments: Original Permit #24457; Renewal #24686; Plugs set at 1025'-1125'(15 sks), 510'-710'(15 sks), 3'-53'(25 sks); RE-ENTRY - PM #39364 - Same Spiro perfs; 07/03/18 name changed from Deffenbaugh, Wallace & Stella #1 to Deffenbaugh #1; CAO-2019-004 dated 07/03/2019 required well to be returned to production within 90 days of CAO or plugged within 120 days of CAO. Move to AOW if neither is accomplished. 7/21/21 changed status form PR to AOW eff. 11/3/19.