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Permit: 37752

Permit Number: 37752 Operator: SEECO, Inc. API: 03-047-11281-00-00
Lease Name: McClurkin 3-17 Well Name: McClurkin Well No: 3-17
Well Type: Natural Gas - Dry Well Status: Plugged and Abandoned District: N
Comments: Depth to be drilled 4025' TVD, 5688' MD; 500' SURFACE CASING; DUAL LATERAL IN WEDINTON AND PITKIN; BOTTOM HOLE SURVEYS REQUIRED; PBHL: 3185' FNL (2095' FSL) & 1471' FEL - WEDINGTON; PBHL: 2371' FSL & 1766' FEL - PITKIN; 6/6/08 Since well is completed in Wedington, changed field from Lone Elm to B-43. 11/03/11 TA status withdrawn due to failure to meet requirements. 01/03/12 F33 TA approved, setting of CIBP @ 3465'. 10/21/13 TA status withdrawn due to failure to meet requirements.