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Permit: 36186

Permit Number: 36186 Operator: Merit Energy Company, LLC API: 03-131-10650-00-01
Lease Name: Grober Mountain 3 Well Name: Grober Mountain Well No: 3
Well Type: Natural Gas - Dry Well Status: Active District: N
Comments: Well was originally completed 12/8/95 as Grober Mountain #2, Permit #35779. Permit #35696 was renewed as Permit #35779. Well was a Directional Drill with prod from M. Hale zone. Well was P&A 4/10/97. Well was Reentered and completed as Grober Mountain #3, Permit #36186, on 5/11/97, in M. Hale with different perfs. #3 well has different Working Interest owners, thus the different Well Number. 76% Alowable, OR #97-5; PREVIOUS OPERATORS: SONAT EXPLORATION CO.; SPRING RESOURCES, INC.; 6/01 CROSS TIMBERS ENERGY SERVICES; 6/02 XTO ENERGY, INC.