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Permit: 35432

Permit Number: 35432 Operator: Oxley Petroleum Co API: 03-047-10905-00-00
Lease Name: Greb 2 Well Name: Greb Well No: 2
Well Type: Natural Gas - Dry Well Status: Plugged and Abandoned District: N
Comments: 50% Allowable, OR #94-19; This well was located in a North half/South half unit described as N/2 of section 32 and S/2 of section 29-8N-27W. The well is located in section 29 per sjg. The well is located 2430' FNUL and 660' FWUL or 2430' FNL of the S/2 of section 29 and 660' FWL of section 29 per sjg. No hard line measurements from north or south lines of section lines provided in well file per sjg.