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Permit: 31736

Permit Number: 31736 Operator: Max Extract Technologies, LLC API: 03-127-10066-00-00
Lease Name: Hill N 1 Well Name: Hill N Well No: 1
Well Type: Natural Gas - Dry Well Status: Plugged and Abandoned District: N
Comments: Well was originally drilled by the Residue Company in 1952 under permit # 10614. TXO re-entered the wellbore in 1985 under permit # 31736. Permits issued include 28644 and 31034. API #'s include 03-127-10614 and 03-127-10025. Well was originally named the Mansfield Gas Company # 1 well. Well was drilled as a dry hole by the Residue Company and transferred to the Mansfield Gas Company by letter of November 5, 1952. TXO transferred the well to B.J. Brown 03/17/1986. B.J. Brown transferred well to Max Extract 02/22/2008. Sjg 04/14/2016.