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Permit: 31394

Permit Number: 31394 Operator: Mueller, Thomas C Inc API: 03-071-10399-00-00
Lease Name: CHRISMAN 1-2 Well Name: Chrisman Well No: 1-2
Well Type: Natural Gas - Dry Well Status: Inactive - Not TA District: N
Comments: 90% Allowable - ORN 138-85; Plugs set: CIBP at 6004' w/10' cmt Circulate cmt from 3700' to surface on backside of 4 1/2" Csg., Cmt 3200'-3700' Cmt 850'-750' Cmt 0'-100' Total of 520 sks cmt35/15 Poz w/6% gel & 2%/Ca