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Permit: 31241

Permit Number: 31241 Operator: RAT Oil, LLC API: 03-099-10420-00-00
Lease Name: Well Name: HGC Lewis Well No: 8
Well Type: Oil - Production Well Status: Producing District: S
Comments: Based on a conversation with Warner Smith on 1/17/19 and file review, it appears that this well was mistakenly changed to PA on 4/5/2006. Review of records indicates that a Form 11 was filed for the West End Lewis J 8 (PN:31553) on 4/3/2006. On 4/5/2006 an AOGC Inspector completed a Form 12 for the HGC Lewis 8 (PN:31241). The GPS coordinates on the Form 12 are within 20' of PN:31553. Thus, it appears that the Form 12incorrectly indicates that PN:31241 was plugged. Corrections have been made to the Form 12 and commission records have been updated accordingly.