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Permit: 30162

Permit Number: 30162 Operator: Exxon Mobil Corporation API: 03-131-10305-00-00
Lease Name: Well Name: Ft Chaffee Federal Well No: 1
Well Type: Natural Gas - Dry Well Status: Plugged and Abandoned District: N
Comments: PLUG SET: CIBP AT 5790' SET PLUG 5690-5790'. CUT 5' CSG. AT 3150' CUT 5" CSG. AT 3150'. CUT 9 5/8" CSG. AT 1060'. SET PLUG 4918-5218 W/30 SKS. SET BRIDGE PLUG AT 1043'. PERF 1020-10140'. SET CMT. RTNR. AT 975' & SQZ. W/3BBLS. C1H. SET OLUG 970-870' W/ 3 BBLS. C1H. SET 60' PLUG TO SURFACE.