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Permit: 29132

Permit Number: 29132 Operator: Merit Energy Company, LLC API: 03-083-10156-00-00
Lease Name: Besier 1-18 Well Name: Beiser Well No: 1
Well Type: Natural Gas - Dry Well Status: Producing District: N
Comments: Previous Operators: Arkla Exploration Co.; 1/1/93 Seagull Mid-South Inc.; 6/1/98 Seagull Energy E & P Inc.; 7/1/99 Arkoma Holding Corporation; 3/31/00 Arkoma Holding LLC; 9/1/00 Cross Timbers Operating Co.; 6/1/01 XTO Energy Inc.; NOTE: It appears the name of the Well was incorrectly spelled on the Intent To Drill. Correct spelling of well should be B-E-S-I-E-R. RBDMS is carrying the name as it appears on the Intent. MN