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Permit: 25257

Permit Number: 25257 Operator: Cypert Oil Company, Inc API: 03-129-10003-00-00
Lease Name: Well Name: Treat, George Well No: 1
Well Type: Natural Gas - Dry Well Status: Plugged and Abandoned District: N
Comments: From records, well was drilled to 824'. 4 1/2" production casing was planned to be set and cemented to surface per Ralph Dumas transcript of phone conversation with Mr. Cypert dated 9/20/1979. No further information is available. This well was excluded from a possible transfer of ownership of the Dalph Cassell #1 and the Larry West #1 to Sheridan Parker Resources and Ron Johnson dba Cypert Oil Company.. No documents were found approving said transfer. Only hand written note by Ralph Dumas. It is only assumed this well was plugged. No plugging documents were found. Mark as plugged and abandoned until further information develops. See notes in permit # 24966. Sjg