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Permit: 24966

Permit Number: 24966 Operator: Cypert, Richard L. API: 03-129-10002-00-00
Lease Name: Well Name: Cassell, Dalph Well No: 1
Well Type: Natural Gas - Dry Well Status: Plugged and Abandoned District: N
Comments: Well was recompleted from a water well. No indication well was ever plugged. Petroleum Information 10/10/1978 indicates the well was drilled to 652'. Swbd 6.5 BOPD. IPP 8 BOPD. Completed 06/15/1978 per PI. A note from Director Dumas 09/20/1979 indicated production pipe was pulled and well deepened to 664'. Letter from Commission 09/21/1979 advising need for service tickets. Logs filed 09/27/1979. No further information found. Also see permit #'s 24838 and 25257. Although no indication of well being plugged, mark as plugged and abandoned unless further information develops. Sjg